Come See TVIB at IMX 2017!

Come visit us at IMX 2017 in St. Louis from May 22-24.

We will be set up in booth 833 where we will have several key staff in attendance. Stop by and let us tell you about our TPO services, word-class training and education, and our highly trained and auditors and surveyors.

Chris Parsonage, TVIB’s Executive Director, will moderate a panel discussion on Tuesday from 11:00 am to 11:45 am in room 143. The education session will cover “Subchapter M – Focus on Internal Surveying Programs” with a panel of experienced surveyors, auditors, and towing company representatives.

See you next week, make sure to visit us in booth 833 and say hello.

TVIB at IMX 2017
TVIB at IMX 2017 – Booth 833


TVIB at the IMX Show in St. Louis

TVIB will have a panel discussion on “Subchapter M – Focus on Internal Surveying Programs” on Tuesday, May 23rd. We have a panel of industry experts who will speak about the requirements for surveying under Subchapter M. Operators who choose the TSMS, or Towing Safety Management System, option for regulatory compliance have the option of building it with an internal survey program that includes Third-Party Organization (TPO) oversight, or using an external program with a TPO conducting the surveys.

We will have an exhibit booth set up to provide an opportunity to learn more about our organization and talk with our members.  Our members, auditors, and surveyors are some of the most experienced brown water professionals around. We have a broad geographic dispersion of auditors and surveyors to serve your TPO needs.  We will also host the 2-day Marine Internal Lead Auditor (MILA) course in conjunction with the show.

TVIB will conduct it’s Spring Board of Directors and Annual Membership Meeting on Monday, May 22nd from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Click here for more information.


  • Click here for more information about IMX show that runs from May 22-24, 2017 in St. Louis, MO.
  • Riverworks Discovery is holding a “Who Works the Rivers” career fair on Wednesday May, 24th from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Click here to access their Facebook events page for more information.
  • Click here for information on our Marine Internal Lead Auditor (MILA) course that will run Mon/Tue – May 22nd & 24th.

USCG – Credentialing Officers of Towing Vessels


The Coast Guard has issued guidances for credentialing officers of towing vessels. They are pointing mariners back to Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) 03-16 which provides the guidelines. The NVIC contains FAQs and information related to the transition of the Towing Officer Assessment Record (TOAR) from NVIC 04-10 to the information in NVIC 03-16.

Click here to review the USCG guidance published on 02/24/2017.

Click here to download NVIC 03-16 Guidelines for Credentialing Officers of Towing Vessels.