USCG: Sector UMR Releases Inspections Work Instruction for Subchapter M

0518/2018 – Captain Storemer and the team at USCG Sector UMR released their Subchapter M Inspections Work Instruction.

Capt. Storemer will be participating in TVIBs general information session next Monday at the IMX show in St. Louis. This session will be at the Dome at America’s Center, 701 Convention Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63101 in room number 151 from 0900-1200. Admission is free but we request that you register in advance to attend.

Registration Information

PURPOSE:  This instruction sets forth OCMI specific guidance related to Title 46 Code of Federal Regulations, Subchapter M. The primary objective is to identify inconsistencies between the regulatory requirements and existing industry practices and clarify how Sector UMR will enforce those requirements.

Sector UMR Inspections Work Instruction

SUB M UPDATE: USCG Issues first Certificate of Inspection (COI)

Coast Guard issues the first Certificate of Inspection (COI) under Subchapter M.

4/20/18 – Coast Guard Maritime Commons announced the issuance of the first COI for a towing vessel. The COI was issued in Sector St. Petersburg.

Today marks 90 days until Subchapter M arrives full force.

  • Is your company ready?
  • Have you decided what route you will go, TSMS or Coast Guard option?
  • If you’ve made the decision to go the TSMS route have you selected your TPO?
  • If you selected the TSMS option do you have your TSMS Certificate yet?

These are only the most basic, front-end questions that every owner or managing operator of towing vessels must answer.

If you have questions, let us help you find the right solution. We’ll be in St. Louis, May 21st through 24th for the Inland Marine Expo (IMX), stop by and visit with us.

Next week we will be communicating with our TPO Customers regarding the progress they should be making. Some of the items we’ll address are:

  • Acceptance of Internal Surveyor Qualifications
  • TSMS Certificate Issuance
  • For those companies that have already received their TSMS Certificate, we’ll address the Gap Analysis Self Assessment (GASA) and Corrective Action Plan that is due by July 20, 2018, or 90-days prior to applying for the first COI, whichever comes first
    • Feedback for those that have already submitted theirs
  • TVIB Spring Information Session – May 21st 9:00 am – 12:00 pm – St. Louis Convention Center – registration required
  • Spring Membership Meeting and Board Meeting – May 21st 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm – St. Louis Convention Center – registration required



USCG: New Form CG-2692 and CG-2692B – Marine Casualty Reporting


Excerpt from the Coast Guard Maritime Commons posted on 04/18/2018. 

The CG-2692, Report of Marine Casualty, Commercial Diving Casualty, or OCS-Related Casualty, and the CG-2692B, Report of Mandatory Chemical Testing Following a Serious Marine Incident Involving Vessels in Commercial Service have both been revised to account for the amended marine casualty property damage thresholds.

