USCG: Marine Safety Alert 01-21: SEE-ME PFD Light Failures Due to Battery Issues

03/21/2021 the USCG published Marine Safety Alert 01-21 SEE-ME PFD Light Failures Due to Battery Issues on the Maritime Commons.

You can click here to download MSA 01-21 or here to access the blog post on the Maritime Commons.

USCG: Marine Safety Alert 02-21: Readiness and Testing of Emergency Dewatering Equipment

03/21/2021 the USCG published Marine Safety Alert 02-21 Readiness and Testing of Emergency Dewatering Equipment on the Maritime Commons.

You can click here to download MSA 02-21 or here to access the blog post on the Maritime Commons.

USCG: Marine Safety Alert 03-21 Blocked Freeing Ports Can Trap Seawater on Deck Reducing Your Vessel’s Stability

03/21/2021 the USCG published Marine Safety Alert 03-21 Blocked Freeing Ports Can Trap Seawater on Deck Reducing Your Vessel’s Stability on the Maritime Commons.

You can click here to download MSA 03-21 or here to access the blog post on the Maritime Commons.