TVIB Training Update: Annual Survey of Towing Vessels Course to be held Virtually

Due to the rise in COVID cases and the impact the Delta variant is having across the nation, TVIB realizes some people may not feel as comfortable traveling to attend a class. With this in mind, TVIB has decided to transition the upcoming ASTV class to be delivered virtually rather than the traditional in-person setting. This change will affect this training session only. Any future sessions will be decided on a case by case issue closer to the date of the course. Course registration is still open and course information can be found below.


Course Summary:

The Annual Survey of Towing Vessels VIRTUAL course  is open to those members and non-members. It provides surveyors with the knowledge and skills required to perform TVIB TPO Subchapter M annual surveys of towing vessels. It has been designed to teach those who will be performing surveys as a part of an internal survey program, as well as those surveyors who wish to hold the credential to perform external surveys for TVIB. Everyone who successfully completes the course will receive a course completion certificate. This course is the surveying course required for those individuals seeking the TVIB Certified Subchapter M Surveyor for Annual Surveys credential.


USCG: Marine Safety Alert 04-21 Verify Your Wire Rope Terminations: Incorrect Terminations Can Lead to Catastrophic Failure

07/08/2021 the USCG published Verify Your Wire Rope Terminations: Incorrect Terminations can lead to Catastrophic Failure on
You can click here to download MSA 04-21 or here to access the document on

TVIB: Drydock/Internal Structural Examination Course Registration

Registration for the IN PERSON Drydock/Internal Structural Examination course remains open with limited seats available. The 3 day course will be held in person at Hines Furlong Line in Paducah, KY August 17-19, 2021.

The course provides surveyors who plan to conduct Subchapter M drydock and internal structural examinations of inspected towing vessels with the tools, skills and knowledge to complete these examinations, and provides a path toward an industry-recognized credential.

Course Fee:

Non-Members:   $1275

TVIB Members:  $975*

*TVIB members receive a discount on TVIB courses.  

Course Registration