USCG: Risk of Steering Loss From Defective Rams

The Coast Guard Office of Investigations and Analysis has released Marine Safety Alert 06-21, to notify mariners to a potentially dangerous situation involving improperly machined threads which can lead to steering ram failure.

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TVIB Offers Final DDISE Course for 2021





Don’t miss out on the final training course of 2021! The Drydock/Internal Structural Examination course will be held VIRTUALLY November 9th-11th. With over 100 attendees in 2021 you don’t want to pass up this opportunity.

Subchapter M requires all inspected towing vessels that have obtained a Certificate of Inspection (COI) to undergo a drydock and internal structural examination (DD/ISE) at least once for freshwater vessels and twice for saltwater vessels every five years.

This three-day course will provide those surveyors who plan to conduct drydock and internal structural examinations of inspected towing vessels for compliance with Subchapter M the tools, skills and knowledge to complete these examinations, and provides a path toward an industry-recognized credential. *Pre-course online work is also required.

Registration—November 9-11

USCG: Proposed Rule on User Fees for Inspected Towing Vessels – Is It On The Way?

Published 10/05/2021

Click here to access the rulemaking announcement from

Title: User Fees for Inspected Towing Vessels

Abstract: This rulemaking would revise user fees for towing vessels inspected under 46 CFR subchapter M and update the existing user fee in 46 CFR 2.10-101 for sea-going towing vessels inspected under 46 CFR subchapter I. These user fees are for services related to the inspection of these vessels and will reflect the differences in cost to the government to provide these services to vessels that use a safety management system involving a third party and vessels that do not.

Stay tuned for more developments.