TVIB Training: All Courses Available-TSMS Auditor, Drydock/ISE, ASTV

There is still opportunity to register for TVIB’s three training courses.

If you’re thinking about becoming a Certified TVIB Auditor, Surveyor or Drydock/ISE you don’t want to pass up the necessary course.

TSMS Auditor—April 5

The course focuses on training external (third-party) auditors how to use the TVIB audit process, which was developed to meet ISO 19011 Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems, and tailored for the unique situations auditing under Subchapter M and the RCP.

Drydock/ISE— May 3

This course will provide those surveyors who plan to conduct drydock and internal structural examinations of inspected towing vessels for compliance with Subchapter M the tools, skills and knowledge to complete these examinations.

ASTV— June 14

This course provides surveyors with the knowledge and skills required to perform TVIB TPO Subchapter M Annual Surveys of Towing Vessels.

*courses are open to TVIB Members, Non-members and Coast Guard 

Questions? Contact our office at or call 832-323-3992

TVIB Training: Final Week to Register for Drydock/ISE Course



Only a few days remain to register for the March 8th  Drydock/ISE Training Course.

You don’t want to miss out!

Contact TVIB today or register by clicking the image above.

(registration deadline March 4th) 


USCG: MSIB 01-22 Ensuring the Validity of Merchant Mariner Credentials and Endorsements

2/18/22 – RADM Mauger issued MSIB 01-22 Ensuring the Validity of Merchant Mariner Credentials and Endorsements.  This notice speaks to the employer’s responsibility for determining whether mariners are qualified to serve in specific roles that require licensure. The notice provides recommendations for steps to take at hiring and for periodically reviewing employees’ credentials throughout the term of their employment. The notice contains hyperlinks to the Merchant Mariner Mariner Verification tool, National Maritime Center, local Regional Exam Centers, and a link to sign up for email notifications. Also included in the notice is a QR code to download the mobile app for the Coast Guard Investigative Services (CGIS) to report suspected credentialing fraud or other criminal acts.

Click here to download the full MSIB 01-22 Ensuring the Validity of Merchant Mariner Credentials and Endorsements.