SUB M – Policy Letter – Endorsement for Tankerman PIC Restricted to Fuel Transfers on Towing Vessels

One of the unintended consequences of Subchapter M is the triggering of 33 CFR 155.710(e)(1) which requires the PIC onboard an inspected vessel transfering fuel oil requiring a Declaration of Inspection (DOI) hold an MMC authorizing service as a master, mate, pilot, engineer, or operator as per 46 CFR Part 11 OR a valid MMC endorsed as Tankerman PIC as per 46 CFR Part 13.

A towing vessel’s transition to inspected status triggers the above requirement.

On 03/10/2017 the Coast Guard issued a policy letter providing guidance for issuing Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) endorsements of Tankerman Person In Charge (PIC) Restricted to Fuel Transfers on Towing Vessels.

Click here to download the policy letter. 

SUB M – Policy Letter – Issuance of COI for Towing Vessels


The Coast Guard issued a policy letter identifying the circumstances in which an uninspected towing vessel (UTV) decal may be used to meet certain requirements regarding issuance of the initial Certificate of Inspection (COI) under Subchapter M.

Click here to download the policy letter.

MSIB-Vapor Pressure Relief Valve Testing on Pneumatic Systems

Excerpt from MSIB Number 004-17 published 03/07/2017

Due to a mishap from improper testing of a vapor safety relief valve on a compressed air system, the Coast Guard Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (CG-CVC) reminds all those concerned of the risks and best practices in conducting or witnessing the testing of relief valves. While this information is based on testing compressed air systems using vapor relief valves, the guidance is also relevant to safety valves in other pressure systems, except boilers.

Click here to review and download the full document.