Past Events from March 23, 2023 – May 31, 2023 – Page 9 – Towing Vessel Inspection Bureau

TVIB Talks


Don't miss out on the bi-monthly “TVIB Talks” on March 23, 2023.  This series will offer TVIB staff the opportunity to share the latest developments, issues, and trends related to Subchapter M and our perspective on those topics.  Equally important will be the opportunity for TVIB Members (TPO Customers and their staff along with TVIB […]

Drydock / ISE Certification Course


Course Summary: The Drydock/Internal Structural Examination Certification course (3 day VIRTUAL course) is open to TVIB members and non-members alike. The course provides surveyors who plan to conduct Subchapter M drydock and internal structural examinations of inspected towing vessels with the tools, skills and knowledge to complete these examinations, and provides a path toward an […]

Annual Membership Meeting & Spring Board of Directors Meeting

Music City Center 201 Rep. John Lewis Way S, Nashville, TN

Mark Your Calendars! TVIB's Annual Membership Meeting and Board of Directors Spring Meeting will be held IN PERSON in Nashville, TN on Wednesday, May 31st at Music City Center, in conjunction with the Inland Marine Expo show! All members are welcome to join us in person or virtually for both meetings. A formal agenda and […]