Past Events from January 23, 2017 – November 29, 2016 – Page 36 – Towing Vessel Inspection Bureau

Fall 2016 Board of Directors Meeting

Turn Services 3333 Chartres Street, New Orleans, LA, United States

Please join us for the Fall 2016 TVIB Board of Directors meeting. This meeting will take place the day before the Workboat Show on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 1:00pm at Turn Services, New Orleans LA. Agenda to follow. Register


Audit Process Subcommittee Meeting

Please join us for a conference call on Thursday, January 5th at 2:00 p.m. CST to discuss the use of sampling in RCP audits, what a possible audit process for RCP mid-period audits will look like, and to establish a schedule for additional audit process subcommittee meetings. We will be using ISO 19011:2011 as the […]

Audit Process Subcommittee Conference Call

Please join us for a call at 2:00 p.m. CST to discuss finalizing a sampling approach to the RCP audit process, along with proposed changes to the RCP audit documents as it relates to sampling. The proposed changes will be sent to participants by Friday, January 20th to review before the call. Call In Number: […]