TVIB Talks
VirtualDon't miss out on the bi-monthly “TVIB Talks” on September 28, 2023. This series will offer TVIB staff the opportunity to share the latest developments, issues, and trends related to […]
Don't miss out on the bi-monthly “TVIB Talks” on September 28, 2023. This series will offer TVIB staff the opportunity to share the latest developments, issues, and trends related to […]
Course Description: The Subchapter M Auditor Certification course (2 day In-Person course) teaches external (third-party) auditors how to audit a company’s TSMS, with an emphasis on those companies using the American […]
Course Summary: The Drydock/Internal Structural Examination Certification course (3 day In-Person course) is open to TVIB members and non-members alike. The course provides surveyors who plan to conduct Subchapter M […]