The TVIB Brief: 2023 Regulations and Revisions
On November 6, 2023, CVC published revision (7) to CVC-WI-013. The revision is substantial, so we are highlighting some of the major changes for you. We strongly encourage all owners, managing operators, compliance personnel, auditors and surveyors for towing vessels to read this work instruction as it is the most comprehensive source of Coast Guard policy guidance for Subchapter M towing vessels. Changes include:
Click here to view and download the full work instruction.
CVC-WI-010(3) OCMI Guidance on Special Consideration for 46 CFR Subchapter M Vessels has been revised to add guidance on the use of alternative visual distress signals (eVDSD) and the use of alternative line throwing appliances. The new guidance on VDS applies to vessels that operate on the following: Rivers routes, Lakes, Bays and Sounds, Great Lakes or Coastwise.