TVIB News U.S. Coast Guard

Release of: MSIB 04-22 Suspension of TSMS Option User Fees

The Coast Guard Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (CG-CVC) has issued Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB) 04-22 announcing the Suspension of USCG Inspection Fees for TSMS Option – Subchapter M Towing Vessel.

The information bulletin can be viewed by clicking the link below.

MSIB 04-22 Suspension of TSMS User Fee

SUB M ALERT: CG Update PL 20-01 (CH 1) Subchapter M Enforcement Posture

Published 04/11/2022

CVC-1 has revised Policy Letter 20-01 (CH 1) Subchapter M Enforcement Posture for Certificate of Inspection Phase-In Requirement – The policy letter has been revised to indicate that vessels without COIs will be issued a CG-835v with a code of 60 which will prevent the vessel from moving after July 19, 2022. Additionally, they have added provisions for civil penalties for each day the violation occurs.  This will be noted outwardly on the public-facing side of PSIX.

Click here to download the policy letter.

USCG: ANPRM for Electronic Chart and Navigational Equipment Carriage Requirements

Excerpts from the ANPRM Published On 3/28/2022

“The Coast Guard seeks public input regarding the modification of the chart and navigational equipment carriage requirements in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) outlines the Coast Guard’s broad strategy to revise its CFR chart and navigational equipment carriage requirements to implement statutory electronic-chart-use provisions for commercial U.S.-flagged vessels and certain foreign-flagged vessels operating in the waters of the United States. This ANPRM is necessary to obtain additional information from the public before issuing a notice of proposed rulemaking. It will allow us to verify the extent of the requirements for the rule, such as how widely electronic charts currently are used, which types of vessels are using them, the appropriate equipment requirements for different vessel classes, and where the vessels operate, and will thereby allow us to tailor electronic chart requirements to vessel class and location.”

PURPOSE OF THE ANPRM: “This advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) seeks comments regarding possible modifications to the chart and navigational equipment carriage requirements in titles 33 and 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This ANPRM outlines the Coast Guard’s broad strategy to revise its CFR chart and navigational-equipment carriage requirements, to implement statutory electronic-chart-use provisions for commercial U.S.-flagged vessels, to include self-propelled vessels of at least 65 feet in overall length, passenger vessels for hire, towing vessels of more than 26 feet in overall length and 600 horsepower, and certain foreign-flagged vessels operating in the waters of the United States.”

“In this ANPRM, we are seeking information on how widely electronic charts are used, which types of vessels are using them, and where the vessels operate, as well as views on the appropriate equipment requirements for different vessel classes. The information obtained from this ANPRM will assist in drafting a proposed rule that tailors electronic charts requirements to vessel class and location.”

Comments and related material must be received by the Coast Guard on or before June 27, 2022.

Click here to read the full ANPRM.