Don’t miss out on the
final opportunity for the Subchapter M Auditor Certification course in 2021. Enjoy the training course from your home or office with the 2 day VIRTUAL course. Reserve your seat today!
Course Description:
The Subchapter M Auditor Certification course (2 day VIRTUAL course) teaches external (third-party) auditors how to audit a company’s TSMS, with an emphasis on those companies using the American Waterways Operators’ Responsible Carrier Program as the framework for their TSMS. Students who successfully complete this course will have an in-depth understanding of auditing both safety management systems and the vessels that operate under those systems and what compliance means under Subchapter M. This is the appropriate course for those individuals seeking certification to become an approved TPO Auditor, as well as an RCP Lead Auditor/Vessel Auditor. This course is also ideal for company personnel who want to better understand the expectations of their external auditor. The course includes an online pre-course portion that MUST be completed prior to attending class.
This course is substantially equal to an ISO 9001 course approved by the USCG as a “recognized equivalent to the requirements of 46 Code of Federal Regulations, 139.130(b)(3), lead auditor/assessor course.”
Course Objective: To train students to conduct management audits and vessel audits utilizing the RCP or Subchapter M as the standard, and meet the requirements of the regulation that the auditors attend a TSMS class.
Register—October 6-7