Nautical Institute – Gulf Branch Technical Seminar: Subchapter M
The Nautical Institute – Gulf Branch
Technical Seminar: Subchapter M
The NI-Gulf Branch Committee is excited to announce its final program for Spring 2018. In an effort to reach out to, and to serve the Gulf Mexico uninspected vessel maritime community, the next technical seminar will focus on Subchapter M.
Here are the details:
The Event: NI-Gulf Branch
Subchapter M Technical Seminar
Date: Thursday, May 24, 2018
Time: 1:00 P.M. – 3:30 P.M.
Place: West Gulf Maritime Association
Cost: Free
Registration Link:
We wish to thank the four Third Party Organizations, who will be providing experts for our seminar:
Register today, and please share this newsletter with the broader maritime community, especially those who will be impacted by Subchapter M.
For more information:
Call: 409-749-0171