TVIB at the WorkBoat Show – Booth 334

2017 WorkBoat

Are you attending the International WorkBoat Show this week in New Orleans?  Stop by and see us at booth 334. We’ll be on site from Wednesday through Friday.

This week at the show we are doing a demo of an automated auditing and surveying software package that will be made available to our auditors, surveyors and TPO Customers as a secure, cloud-based software tool that can be deployed in the field on smartphones and tablets.

TVIB recently passed a significant milestone when we signed our 50th TPO customer representing over 700 vessels. Approximately 15% of our TPO customers have not previously participated in a third-party audited safety management system like the RCP.

Stop by and visit with us this week at booth 334 at the WorkBoat Show in the Morial Convention Center in downtown New Orleans.


AWO: Jones Act

Published by AWO on 10/30/2017

“On October 26, the Wall Street Journal editorial board published an anti-Jones Act editorial (accessible by subscription here) that inaccurately portrays the Jones Act as causing delay in the delivery of relief cargo to Puerto Rico and prolonging post-hurricane difficulties there.

In response, AWO is working with its partners at the American Maritime Partnership to distribute a one-page rebuttal of the Wall Street Journal editorial to Members of Congress, Administration officials, the media and other thought leaders influential on this issue. The rebuttal can be viewed here. Our goal is to ensure that as wide an audience as possible understands that the arguments made by the WSJ editorial board were incorrect, and to set the record straight on the true obstacles to Puerto Rico’s hurricane recovery and the importance of the Jones Act.”

AWO is encouraging their members to distribute the rebuttal far and wide.

Click here to download AWO’s Rebuttal

USCG Recognized Marine Internal Lead Auditor (MILA) Course – LAST ONE for 2017

The next U.S. Coast Guard recognized Marine Internal Lead Auditor Course (MILA) is being held November 14th & 15th in Houston, Texas. Seats are limited. Under Subchapter M, Internal Auditors are required to have this or other USCG recognized training as noted in 46 CFR 138.310(d)(2). This course is the only course specifically written for the Inland Brown Water industry and taught by trained instructors with USCG licenses and significant auditing experience. Bring your Subchapter M, TMSA, or RCP questions to the course.

Click here for More Information or to Register