AWO: RCP Certificaiton​ Alignment with TSMS Certificates

June 3, 2019

The AWO Standards Board recently shared two memos and guidance to clarify the alignment of a member’s RCP certification dates with their TSMS certificate dates for RCP certified companies that elected the TSMS option.

The two memos cover the following:

  1. The first clarifies that correspondence shared by AWO with its members in 2015 which contained an audit transition plan for AWO members implementing the AWO Board-approved changes to the RCP which were designed to ensure its acceptance by the USCG as an existing TSMS under Subchapter M. The memo notes that for those members who have aligned their RCP certification date with that of their company’s initial TSMS Certificate issuance date, the audit transition plan shared in 2015 conflicts and is therefore no longer applicable. This memo directs those companies – who have aligned their compliance dates – to follow the five-year audit schedule from that date forward.
  2. The second memo deals with the alignment of RCP certification dates and initial TSMS Certificate issuance dates (mentioned above). The RCP Standards Board is extending the date by which companies who already have already received their initial TSMS Certificate and have had it for more than 90 days to still request alignment no later than July 1, 2019. This will allow companies who perhaps have not taken the opportunity to align their dates, and still want to, to do so.

For TVIB TPO customers that are RCP certified, please confirm that you have aligned your RCP certification date to your TSMS certificate date. If you have NOT done, please take benefit of the final extension and do so NO LATER than July 1, 2019.

After this deadline you will not be allowed to align your two certifications and will likely have duplicative audit cycles.

Click here to download both memos (we have packaged them together in a singled PDF).

USCG: CG-ENG 01-18 Equivalency Determination – Fire Pumps for Subchapter C and Subchapter M Towing Vessels

May 31, 2019 – CG – Engineering issued a new policy letter. Following are some excerpts from that letter that are specific to Subchapter M towing vessels under 65 feet long. Please click on the link below to download the full policy letter.

(1) Purpose.This policy letter provides guidance on the acceptance of fixed fire pump size requirements for towing vessels 65 ft or less to provide a level of safety that is equivalent to the requirements of reference (a) and (b), uninspected and inspected towing vessels, respectively. 

(3) Discussion. When developing references (c) and (d), the Coast Guard assumed smaller vessels would utilize portable fire pumps, while larger vessels would utilize fixed fire pumps; therefore, vessel size was not associated with fire pump requirements. This assumption imposed a larger burden on smaller vessels that opted to install fixed fire pumps. Generally, the fixed pump is required to have a higher capacity to accommodate the greater hydraulic losses expected from the extensive fire main systems used in larger vessels. In small vessels, however, the hydraulic losses of the smaller fire main systems are negligible, and the fixed fire pump need be of no higher capacity than the portable pump. Thus, in small vessels, fixed and portable pumps of similar capacity will provide similar fire streams affording an equivalent level of safety. Accordingly, for towing vessels 65 ft or less, the Coast Guard has determined a fixed pump that meets the portable pump capacity and pressure requirements meets an equivalent level of performance to the requirements in references (a) and (b). 

(4) Action.

b.   Subchapter M: For towing vessels 65 ft or less subject to 46 CFR 142.325, vessels may use a fixed pump that meets the performance requirements of 46 CFR 142.325(e)(1), instead of 46 CFR 142.325(a)(1). These towing vessels must also meet the requirements in 46 CFR 142.325 (a)(2), (b)-(d). 

Click here to download CG-ENG Policy Letter 01-19 Equivalency Determination – Fire Pumps for Subchapter C and Subchapter M Towing Vessels

TVIB Weclomes New Staff Member

We have expanded our staff by adding the position of Audit/Survey Coordinator.  We would like to welcome Caleb King to TVIB.  Initially Caleb will be focused on coordinating the processing of audits and surveys while working to support our TPO customers with CG-835V/Marine Casualty concerns. 

Caleb brings over 22 years of marine related experience, having most recently served as the Compliance Director for Inland Marine Service, where he was responsible for Subchapter M implementation; safety, heath, environmental, and quality programs; and tracking key metrics to help guide the leadership team.  Caleb has also served in various capacities for Seacor Holdings/SCF Marine, Marquette Transportation, and Ingram Barge Company.  He served 23 ½ years with the U. S. Coast Guard (8 years Active Duty and 15 ½ Reserve Duty), retiring as a Chief Warrant Officer.  The majority of his Coast Guard career was in the Marine Safety field and assignments included CGC Venturous, MSO Charleston (SC), MSU Paducah, Integrated Support Command St. Louis, and MSU Texas City.

At various times in his career, Caleb has been involved in the AWO Safety Committee.  He is currently serving as President for the International Propeller Club of the United States – Port of Paducah. An interesting fact that most of his industry peers do not know about him is that he is a play by play announcer for a local radio station.  He covers high school soccer and occasionally covers basketball, softball, and baseball.

Coupling Caleb’s training and experience with the Coast Guard and within the industry, he brings perspective and capabilities that will be put to use immediately.  Caleb is located in Paducah, Kentucky. Please be sure to wecome him when you get a chance, you will find his contact info on the website under Contact Us and Our Staff.

With the expansion of our staff resources, TPO Customers are reminded that they should be calling our 24-hour Response Line when in need of assistance with CG-835Vs and Marine Casualty closeout when TPO involvement has been requested by the local OCMI. Utilizing the 24-hour response line will ensure your concerns are directed to the appropriate staff member.

24-Hour Response Line – 888-983-TVIB (8842)