USCG: Update to Guidance for TSMS Option Vessels Under Subchapter M

Originally posted on the USCG Maritime Commons


The Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance recently updated work instruction CVC-WI-013(3), “Towing Vessel COI Inspections under TSMS Option.” Updates include but are not limited to adding annual and renewal Certificate of Inspection guidance for Towing Safety Management System (TSMS) option vessels inspected under 46 CFR Subchapter M.

Officers in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMIs) should reference this guidance when issuing a COI under 46 CFR Subchapter M for inspected towing vessels choosing the TSMS option. A flow chart is included in the Work Instruction to illustrate the TSMS compliance process. 

For full details, view or download the Work Instruction

If you have any questions regarding this policy please contact the Office of Domestic Commercial Vessel Compliance (CVC-1) via

USCG: Certificate of Documentation Guidance During Application Processing Delays

Originally published on USCG Maritime Commons


The National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC) is experiencing delays in the time necessary to issue a Certificate of Documentation (COD) due to performance issues associated with its Information Technology (IT) System. The Coast Guard recognizes the need to minimize the effect on the maritime community. The following guidance is provided: 

Vessels Engaged on Domestic Voyages Only (Coastwise/Fisheries): Vessel(s) with an expired COD may continue to operate domestically on the previously issued trade endorsements provided a renewal application has been submitted to the NVDC. Vessel owners should be prepared to present evidence, upon request, to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI) or the Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (CG-CVC), that a renewal application was submitted. 

New Construction/Initial Certification (All Trade Endorsements): In accordance with the Marine Safety Manual, Vol. II, an initial COI may be completed before the COD is issued provided the NVDC has received the application for documentation. Vessel representatives should be prepared to present evidence that the application was submitted to the NVDC to the OCMI. 

Engaged on International Voyage (Registry Endorsement): Vessel(s) with an expired COD that actively engage on international voyages and are subject to Port State Control may request a letter from CG-CVC for continued operation. Requests for a letter confirming vessel registry by the United States should be sent to and include objective evidence that a renewal application has been submitted to the NVDC. 

Recreational Vessels (Recreational Endorsement): Vessel(s) with an expired COD that actively engage in recreational use shall not be subject to COD related enforcement action, provided the vessel owner can present evidence that the renewal application was submitted to the NVDC. 

A list of cognizant OCMI / COTP contacts is available on the Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance website

In order to ensure NVDC can process the maximum number of applications possible, we ask that you submit any questions via electronic mail to while the IT System is operating at reduced capacity. Responses can be expected within 24-48 hours. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The latest NVDC Case Processing Report is available from the NVDC website here

Sign up to receive updates to the Case Processing Report via email.

NTSB: Report of Contact of Towing Vessel Steve Richoux with Mardi Gras World Pier

The NTSB has published its report of the towing vessel Steve Richoux’s contact with the Mardi Gras World Pier in May of 2018. The report points to a steering failure as the cause of the incident.

Click here to download NTSB MAB-19/15