USCG: MSIB Inner Harbor Navigational Canal Lock Closure and GIWW Alternate Route

Published 08/17/2020

US Coast Guard District 8 published an MSIB on the IHNC lock closure and the impacts on ITVs with COIs issued for Rivers Routes.

Effective 08/31/2020 and continuing for approximately for 60 days the IHNC will be closed to all marine traffic due to dewatering operations, repairs, and maintenance. For the duration of the closure an alternate route has been established utilizing the Mississippi River (Alternate Route). The Alternate Route will be completed by transiting via the Baptiste Collette Bayou Channel, through Breton and Chandeleur Sounds, as well as to and from the eastern reaches of the GIWW near its intersection with the Gulfport Ship Channel.

The USCG has made arrangements for vessels subject to 46 CFR Subchapter M that normally operate on Rivers routes (less than 3 nautical miles from shore) as indicated in the MSIB.

Click here to download the full MSIB.

White House: Presidential Message on the U.S. Coast Guard’s 230th Birthday

TVIBs auditors, surveyors, and staff join the President and First Lady in wishing the U.S. Coast Guard a happy 230th birthday. Thank you for all that you do for our industry and the nation.

In the 230 years that have passed since the creation of the Coast Guard, our Nation has grown stronger because of the Coast Guard’s dedication to its motto Semper Paratus—“Always Ready.”  Each day, the more than 40,000 active duty and civilian and more than 7,000 reserve men and women of the Coast Guard help secure and advance our national preparedness, response, and economic prosperity.  These courageous individuals defend our borders, rescue mariners in distress, facilitate the passage of trillions of dollars of commerce safely into and out of our ports, and combat drug smugglers and human traffickers, among a host of other tasks essential to the security of the American people.

President, Donald J. Trump

Click here to access the full message from the White House.

USCG: D8 Policy Letter – Guidance for Towing Vessel Operating on Rivers Routes – Rule 27 and Rule 30 Navigation Lights and Day Shapes

July 20, 2020 – D8 has published its much awaited policy on the dayshapes and lights.

Click here to download D8 (dp) Policy Letter 02-20.