USCG: “Final deadline for Subchapter M phase-in arriving in July 2022”

01/31/2022 – reposted from USCG Maritime Commons

Final deadline for Subchapter M phase-in arriving in July 2022


Submitted by the Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (CG-CVC)

As we begin the New Year, towing vessel owners and operators are reminded that the deadline for 100% Subchapter M phase-in is fast approaching.  No later than July 19, 2022, all towing vessels meeting the applicability criteria found in 46 CFR § 136.105 must have on board a valid Certificate of Inspection (COI) issued by the Coast Guard.

Per 46 CFR 136.202, towing vessel owners and operators are responsible for ensuring that all their towing vessels receive a Certificate of Inspection (COI) before July 19, 2022.  Failure to meet vessel certification requirements may result in CG-835V deficiencies, vessel delays, civil penalties, or additional enforcement actions.

Initial certification should be scheduled with the local Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI) at least three months in advance of the desired inspection date.  Therefore, towing vessel owners and operators should schedule vessel initial inspections as soon as possible, but no later than April 20, 2022.  Please note that Coast Guard attendance is required for initial certification for both the Coast Guard Option and Towing Safety Management System (TSMS) Option, as described in 46 CFR § 136.130. Application for inspection should be made using the CG-Form 3752, “Application for Inspection of a U.S. Vessel.”  OCMI contact information can be found on the Marine Inspectors Contact List on the CVC-1 webpage.  For further information, please see the Coast Guard’s Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise (TVNCOE) website.

Click here to be directed to the original post.



TVIB: Introducing Bi-monthly “TVIB Talks” Series

TVIB is kicking off a new series of bi-monthly “TVIB Talks” with the first session being next week on Thursday, January 27th.  This series will offer TVIB staff the opportunity to share the latest developments, issues, and trends related to Subchapter M and our perspective on those topics.  Equally important will be the opportunity for TVIB Members (TPO Customers and their staff along with TVIB Certified Auditors and Surveyors) to participate in the conversation by talking with us about the information presented and sharing topics of interest to them.

These 1-hour sessions will follow a bi-monthly schedule occurring at 2:00 pm on the fourth Thursday starting next week.

TVIB Talks will be open to all TVIB Members.  Prior to each session, TVIB Members will receive an email link to register. Please save the date for these sessions and we look forward to this new method of interacting with our members.

2022 TVIB Talks Dates

January 27th
March 24th
May 23rd – Info Session in conjunction with Spring Board Meeting
July 28th
September 22nd
November 15th – Info Session in conjunction with tentatively scheduled Fall Board Meeting



USCG: USER FEE NPRM Published – TSMS Option Fee Reduced/USCG Option Fee Raised

Click here to download the Federal Register Notice


“1. Establishing Specific Annual Inspection Fees for Towing Vessels Subject to Subchapter M We are also proposing to charge one of two fees for towing vessels inspected under subchapter M:

  • $2,184 for those using the Coast Guard option, and
  • $973 for those using the TSMS option.”