TVIB News News and Updates

AWO: Jones Act

Published by AWO on 10/30/2017

“On October 26, the Wall Street Journal editorial board published an anti-Jones Act editorial (accessible by subscription here) that inaccurately portrays the Jones Act as causing delay in the delivery of relief cargo to Puerto Rico and prolonging post-hurricane difficulties there.

In response, AWO is working with its partners at the American Maritime Partnership to distribute a one-page rebuttal of the Wall Street Journal editorial to Members of Congress, Administration officials, the media and other thought leaders influential on this issue. The rebuttal can be viewed here. Our goal is to ensure that as wide an audience as possible understands that the arguments made by the WSJ editorial board were incorrect, and to set the record straight on the true obstacles to Puerto Rico’s hurricane recovery and the importance of the Jones Act.”

AWO is encouraging their members to distribute the rebuttal far and wide.

Click here to download AWO’s Rebuttal

USCG D8: Certificates of Alternative Compliance (COAC) for Day Shapes

The U.S. Coast Guard’s Eighth District is prepared to issue Certificates of Alternative Compliance (COAC) to inland towing vessels for which day shapes are an unnecessary requirement when they utilize technology to facilitate effective communication during emergencies. The AWO and industry leaders raised concerns with the Commander of the Eight District about day shapes being obsolete in the presence of technological improvements for safety and communication.

For a company to obtain a COAC, they should submit a written request to the Eighth Coast Guard District Chief of Prevention. COACs are intended for inland towing vessels operating exclusively on Internal Waters as defined in 33 CFR 2.24 within the Eighth Coast Guard District as defined by 33 CFR 3.40-1(b). The request must be accompanied with additional information as noted in the July 19, 2017 letter RADM Callahan to the AWO.

Click here to download the Day Shapes letter.


SAFETY ALERT 09-17: Leaky LifeJacket Lights


Excerpt from U.S. Coast Guard Safety Alert 09-17

The Coast Guard has recently received a safety bulletin from Cruise Lines International Association that reported problems with life jacket lights. The bulletin relates to Alcares water activated flashing lifejacket lights models Jack A1 – A LK and Jack ARH – A LK (CG approval numbers 161.112/88 and 161.112/990). To date, inspections have discovered over 3,000 non-operational lights. All of the faulty lights discovered had leaky batteries, and some were identified as having incorrect battery expiration labels. All of the faulty lights were found to be non-operational before their expiration date.

The Coast Guard recommends that lifejackets with lights, especially those with automatic lights, be stored in temperature and humidity controlled, water-tight environments. Visual inspections and tests must be conducted in accordance with vessel carriage requirements and manufacturer manuals. Vessel owners/operators should check their lifejacket lights to verify that they are operational at the nearest opportunity.

Click here to download Safety Alert 09-17