USCG: River Industry Day 2019 – Huntington
12/17/19 – U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Huntington and the Huntington District Waterways Association hosted their second annual River Industry Day. CDR Mangini, Commanding Officer of MSU Huntington and Bill Barr, President of the Huntington District Waterways Associated welcomed attendees and then jumped right in to a broad agenda that covered a year in review for the unit, Subchapter M and a COI signing to start the day.
Mr. Geoff Scibek, Chief, Inspections Division for the unit and Ms. Jill Bessetti, District 8 Towing Vessel Coordinator provided an update on the current status of towing vessel inspections and issuance of COIs. Following are some of Subchapter M metrics shared:
MSU Huntington
2018 | 2019 | |
Towing Vessel Inspections | 23 | 70 |
Deficiencies | 199 | 214 |
COI Status
Unit | Fleet Size | TSMS COIs | CG COIs | Total COIs |
D8 | 3,862 | 736 | 187 | 923 |
USCG | 5,760 | 981 | 372 | 1,353 |
District 8 Sector Breakdown of TSMS Option COIs
C.C. | H-G | LMR | Mobile | NOLA | OHV | UMR |
13 | 133 | 44 | 32 | 267 | 200 | 46 |
CDR Mangini signed the most recent COI for AEPs fleet and presented to Mike Weisend, Regulatory Manager for AEP. On hand to mark the event was also Joe Lagerman and Butch Leport with AEP along with Tava Foret and Lauren Jeppson for TVIB.