TVIB News News and Updates

Have You Registered for the MILA Course?

The next U.S. Coast Guard recognized Marine Internal Lead Auditor Course (MILA) is being held December 16th & 17th. Seats are limited. Under Subchapter M, Internal Auditors are required to have this or other USCG recognized training as noted in 46 CFR 138.310(d)(2). This course is the only course specifically written for the Inland Brown Water industry and taught by trained instructors with USCG licenses and significant auditing experience. Bring your Subchapter M, TMSA, or RCP questions to the course!

Register Today

DD/ISE Registration Ends Soon!

The Drydock/Internal Structural Examination Training Course registration remains open for one more week. Don’t miss out on the final opportunity!

Registration and additional course information can be found at the link below.

Registration—November 9-11

TVIB – HIRING Operations Manager

We’re on the lookout for a new team member at TVIB. We have an immediate opening available for an Operations Manager.

Click here to download the current job posting.

This position helps manage TPO responsibilities related to management audits, TSMS Certificates, vessel surveys/audits, drydock/internal structural examinations, and interactions with vessel owners/operators and Coast Guard representatives. Additionally, you will be asked to lead a variety of related company projects, from training, refinement of audit/survey tools, to customer outreach related to marine casualty reporting incidents.
The ideal candidate has a passion for the maritime industry and the desire enhance both the safety of vessel operations and compliance with regulatory requirements.  The individual will have experience in all or a combination of safety/compliance, operations, engineering, and vessel structural examinations/repairs.