TVIB News Industry Press

RIETF: Best Practices for High Water Events

Following an increase in vessel casualties during ongoing high water, conversations with RADM Paul Thomas, Eighth District Commander and his staff have resulted in a clear message, safety must be improved throughout the District.  RADM Thomas has stated that he will use all available means within his authority to improve safety.    

The industry members of the River Industry Executive Task Force (RIETF) have developed a list of best practices during high water including 1) managing the risks of downstreaming; 2) ensuring that all water tight openings are closed at all times; 3) risk assessments for crew and vessels; and 4) “see something, say something” communications between towing vessels. 

Click here to download “RIETF: Best Practices for High Water Events.

We thank our industry partners in RIETF for sharing this valuable resource.

USCG: National Maritime Center (NMC) and Regional Exam Centers Re-open

1/30/2019: Nat’l Maritime Center, Regional Exam Centers re-open following partial shutdown

The National Maritime Center announced in a bulletin Jan. 28, 2019 that it has re-opened and is implementing measures to address increased levels of application inventory.

Merchant Mariner Credentials and Medical Certifications (National Endorsements only) set to expire in December 2018, January 2019, or February 2019 remain valid until May 31, 2019. (See Update 3 – Mitigation Efforts Due to Lapse in Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriations and Partial Government Shutdown.)

Additional Information letters, Qualified Assessor letters, Designated Examiner letters, Proctor Approval letters, Approval to Test letters, and mariner training completion certificates set to expire in December 2018, January 2019, or February 2019 remain valid until April 30, 2019. (See Update 3 – Mitigation Efforts Due to Lapse in Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriations and Partial Government Shutdown.)

Mariners seeking to operate on STCW endorsements that expired on or after December 1, 2018, may request continued service STCW dispensations via e-mail at (For application details, see STCW Mitigation Efforts Due to Lapse in Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriations and Partial Government Shutdown.)

Regional Examination Centers nationwide will be fully operational and open to the public by Jan. 30, 2019. The scheduling system for Regional Examination Centers examinations, application drop off, and other credentialing business will be active beginning Jan. 31, 2019.

The NMC is working to minimize the negative impact to the maritime industry and will publish additional information regarding furlough recovery operations as needed. For updates, please monitor the NMC website. If you have questions, contact the NMC Customer Service Center by e-mailing or by calling 1-888-IASKNMC (427-5662).

Click here to access the original post on the Coast Guard Maritime Commons

USCG: Eighth District Cancels Towing Vessel Inspections Field Notice, D8-TVIFN 18-1 Operational Enforcement Discretion

On 10/03/2018, the USCG Eighth District (D8) issued a memorandum canceling its Towing Vessel Inspections Field Notice, D8-TVIFN 18-1 Operational Enforcement Discretion, dated 01/24/2018, commonly referred to as “Deferred Enforcement,” with the publication of the national policy document CVC-WI-010(1) OCMI Guidance on Special Consideration for 46 CFR Subchapter M Vessels, dated 10/02/2018. Download links for both documents can be found below.


If you have findings (non-conformities and/or deficiencies) from audits, surveys, self-reporting, etc. related to areas previously addressed by the D8 letter or the new national policy document and have developed corrective action plans (CAP) that were consistent with the deferred enforcement language you may need to update your CAP to address the findings in a manner that is consistent with the national policy (CVC-WI-010(1)).

The national policy work instruction document removes the “deferred enforcement” option and leaves operators with three options for addressing the following items:

  • Use of Type II/III PFDs in lieu of work vests §140.430, 141.340
  • Storage of Flammable/Combustible products §142.225
  • Fire pump pitot-tube pressure testing §142.325(a)
  • Length of fire hose §142.325(d) and (e)(2)
  • Pressure vessel (PV) maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) §143.300(c)
  • Ventilation: Means to stop fans and close openings §144.605

NOTE:The national policy work instruction did not address all items from the D8 letter such as Visual Distress Signals. With the field notice cancelled by D8, the option for deferred enforcement is no longer a viable option for compliance. This does not prevent the operator from requesting special consideration from the OCMI or an equivalency from the MSC as noted below.


  1. Bring the vessel into full compliance with the regulation as written;
  2. Request “Special Consideration” from the OCMI when applying for the COI; or
  3. Request an “Equivalency” from the Marine Safety Center.

If you have open findings on a CAP where the “deferred enforcement” was referenced as the corrective action with plans to correct prior to the first renewal of the COI or when USCG provides additional guidance you MUST update the CAP to be consistent with the national policy by choosing one of the three options above.

As a reminder, the corrective action process is an ongoing activity. During annual internal audits, annual surveys (internal or external) and external management and vessel audits the relevant corrective action plans will be reviewed to determine if findings have been closed along with reviewing open items for their progress.

Towing Vessels Field Notice Cancellation Memorandum of D8-TVIFN 18-1 Operational Enforcement Discretion (both documents included)

CVC-WI-010(1) OCMI Guidance on Special Consideration for 46 CFR Subchapter M Vessels