TVIB News Tava Foret

USCG: Draft NVIC 05-17 Guidelines for Addressing Cyber Security Risks at MTSA Regulated Facilities

July 12, 2017 – Federal Register Notice

The Coast Guard announces the availability of draft Navigation and Inspection Circular (NVIC) 05–17; Guidelines for Addressing Cyber Risks at Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) Regulated Facilities, and requests public comment on the draft. This NVIC proposes to clarify the existing requirements under MTSA to incorporate analysis of computer and cyber risks and guidance for addressing those risks. This NVIC would provide guidance on incorporating cybersecurity risks into an effective Facility Security Assessment (FSA), as well as additional recommendations for policies and procedures that may reduce cyber risk to operators of maritime facilities. Operators may use this document as a benchmark to develop and implement measures and activities for effective self- governance of cyber risks.

  • Comments must be submitted to the online docket via http://, or reach the Docket Management Facility, on or before September 11, 2017.
  • If you have questions on this notice, call or email, Jason Warren, Coast Guard; telephone 202–372–1106, email or LCDR Josephine Long, Coast Guard; telephone 202–372–1109, email

Click here for the full Federal Register Notice.

TVIB Issues Its First TSMS Certificate

June 23, 2017, TVIB issued its first TSMS certificate to Crounse Corporation. Crounse successfully completed a full Subchapter M TSMS audit including a review of its operations for compliance with Subchapter M.

Crounse is the first of a number of companies that have chosen TVIB as their U.S. Coast Guard Approved Third-Party Organization (TPO) for Subchapter M compliance. We are very appreciative of the confidence Crounse showed in TVIB and look forward to a long relationship. Reaching this important milestone in the development of TVIB is a significant achievement for our staff and our members.

We are working with a number of TPO customers to take advantage of the recent Coast Guard policy letter CG-CVC Policy Letter 17-02 and the AWO Alert issued on June 8th, that provided guidance on how a company can use their previous RCP Management Audit towards the issuance of their initial TSMS Certificate.  Additionally, we are preparing those same customers to take the necessary steps to apply for and obtain COIs for their vessels in the coming year.

We have a broad geographic dispersion of Subchapter M Auditors and Surveyors throughout the inland river system, the gulf and from the west coast to the east coast. Our auditors and surveyors are some of the most experienced available. They have a keen understanding of the industry, as many started out their career on deck, moving up to the wheelhouse and on to shoreside operations and management. We know your business and you know our auditors and surveyors.  Contact us to learn how our TPO services can help your organization achieve Subchapter M compliance ahead of the July 20, 2018 deadline.


Tava S. Foret, Executive Vice President, Operations

Chris Parsonage, President

MSIB – Acceptable U.S. Ballast Water Management Methods vs. BWM Convention Methods


The U.S. Coast published MSCI No.: 007-17 Acceptable U.S. Ballast Water Management Methods vs. BWM Convention Methods.

The purpose of this bulletin is to remind masters, owners/operators, agents and persons-in-charge of vessels that the United States is not signatory to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water and Sediment (BWM Convention) and that vessels discharging ballast water (BW) into the waters of the U.S. must comply with the requirements of 33 CFR 151 Subparts C and D.

Non-recreational vessels, U.S. and foreign, that are equipped with ballast tanks are required to comply with the U.S. ballast water regulations provided in Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 151 Subparts C & D when operating in the waters of the United States, except as expressly provided in 33 CFR 151.2015 & 151.2020.

Click here to download MSIB 007-17 in full.