TVIB News Tava Foret

USCG: Marine Safety Alert 02-21: Readiness and Testing of Emergency Dewatering Equipment

03/21/2021 the USCG published Marine Safety Alert 02-21 Readiness and Testing of Emergency Dewatering Equipment on the Maritime Commons.

You can click here to download MSA 02-21 or here to access the blog post on the Maritime Commons.

USCG: Marine Safety Alert 03-21 Blocked Freeing Ports Can Trap Seawater on Deck Reducing Your Vessel’s Stability

03/21/2021 the USCG published Marine Safety Alert 03-21 Blocked Freeing Ports Can Trap Seawater on Deck Reducing Your Vessel’s Stability on the Maritime Commons.

You can click here to download MSA 03-21 or here to access the blog post on the Maritime Commons.

TVIB: Training Opportunity- First Offering of 2021 Annual Survey of Towing (ASTV) Course

Enjoy the Annual Survey of Towing Vessels Course from the comfort of your home or office.

We have a limited number of seats available for our virtual class being held Tuesday, March 9th through Thursday, March 11th, 2021.

The ASTV Course is a requirement, if you are seeking TVIB Certification to become a Subchapter M Surveyor for conducting TVIB Third Party Organization annual surveys of towing vessels.

Since the inception of the training, TVIB has hosted more than 30 USCG personnel, including investigators and inspectors from across various sectors.  The combination of students from both industry and the USCG has proven to be an invaluable mix for the course, resulting in dynamic and informative discussion and insights.

Course Information & Registration

If you have any issues registering or have any further questions, please feel free to contact Danielle Munoz at