TVIB News Cindy Capling

TVIB: 2019 Fall Informational Session

TVIB would like to invite you to attend our 2019 Fall Industry Informational Session to be held December 3rd, 2019 from 9am – 12pm CST at Turn Services, 3333 Chartres Street, New Orleans, LA 70117.

Agendas for the Informational Session and Board Meeting were sent out yesterday to membership along with registration links for each event.

Topics to be covered include:

1.  New Vessel Construction

               a.  TVIB Guidance Document and Experiences from the Field

               b.  Anticipated Path Forward for New Towing Vessels Being Built

2.  CG-835Vs and Marine Casualty Events

               a.  The Role of the TPO – what we can, cannot and must do

               b.  How TVIB is Involved in Processing and Closing Out CG-835Vs

               c.  Lessons learned

3.  Annual Surveys and External Vessel Audits in Years 2-5 of Phase In

               a.  Survey Review Process – Common Errors Identified

               b.  Changes in Review and Analysis

               c.  Developments with Coast Guard Required Limited Scope Audits After CG-835Vs

               d.  Effective Corrective Action Plans

               e.  Panel Discussion of Auditors/Surveyors – Lessons Learned, Tips and Tricks

4.  Evaluating Areas for Improvement in the TSMS

               a.  Internal Survey Program – Surveyor Qualifications

               b.  Permit to Proceed to Another Port for Repairs

               c.  Navigation Assessments

               d.  Drydocking Expectations Regarding Hull Repairs

Register at the following links:

Informational Session:

Board Meeting:

We hope to see you there!

TVIB: Training Opportunity – FINAL OFFERING of 2019 Annual Survey of Towing Vessels (ASTV) Course


The ASTV Course is a requirement, if you are seeking TVIB Certification to become a Subchapter M Surveyor for conducting TVIB Third Party Organization annual surveys of towing vessels.

Are you performing surveys as part of an internal survey program? This course is ideal for you as well.

Since the inception of the training, TVIB has hosted more than 30 USCG personnel, including investigators and inspectors from across various sectors. 

The combination of students from both industry and the USCG has proven to be an invaluable mix for the course, resulting in dynamic and informative discussion and insights.

There are a limited number of seats available for the final course for the year.

DATES:October 8-11, 2019
TIME:8:00 am – 5:00 pm
LOCATION:15201 East Freeway, Ste.  214A, Channelview, TX 77530
ACTSafe Training Room

Contact us today to reserve your seat. Click the image below for course information and registration.

If you have any issues registering or have any further questions, please feel free to contact Cindy Hunsaker at