TVIB News Cindy Capling

TVIB: March 1st -Deadline for the 2nd Annual Mike Rushing Legacy Service Award

In 2015, I was brand new to TVIB and the towing vessel industry attending my first Annual Membership Meeting.  I felt very out of place and nervous. Mike Rushing noticed my unease right away and let me know that the meeting was running well and thanked me for my part in setting things up.  I felt I hadn’t done much but he assured me that every member of a team was valuable, and that I would eventually feel more knowledgeable about the industry and confident in my role.  It was exactly what I needed to hear. He was right, of course, and ten years later I still think about that moment whenever I tackle new challenges. Because this small interaction meant so much, I make sure that I also notice and compliment others on their contributions. This is just one small example of how Mike always found time to guide others, no matter their rung on the ladder.

Recognizing those who inspire others and give so much of themselves to the industry and their community is an important way we can honor the legacy of Mike Rushing.

There are just a few days left to submit your nomination for the 2nd annual Mike Rushing Legacy Service Award. The 2025 Mike Rushing Legacy Service Award is open to individuals across the towboat, tugboat, and barge industry, including members of the U.S. Coast Guard. Nominations are being accepted now through March 1, 2025, for candidates who demonstrate the award’s three core principles:

  • Community Service: A demonstrated commitment to uplifting their community through impactful service.
  • Professional Excellence: Outstanding contributions to the maritime industry.
  • Active and Engaged Mentorship: A passion for guiding and inspiring others in their professional and personal growth.

If you know someone who possesses these qualities and would like to submit them for consideration, please complete the online nomination form. Click here for instructions and a list of needed items when completing the online nomination form. Visit for additional details.

TVIB Course Reschedule Alert!

March 13, 2020

Dear Industry Partners and Friends,

Due to the growing concerns of the COVID-19 virus and out of an abundance of caution we have decided to reschedule the upcoming Annual Survey of Towing Vessels (ASTV) course scheduled for April 14th – 16th at our main office in Channelview, TX.

We have rescheduled this training for June 23rd – 25th in Channelview, TX. We hope those that have already registered for the original dates will move to the new dates in June. Of course, anyone unable to attend can have those funds placed on account for future courses or request a full reimbursement.

Finally, if you’ve reserved a room at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites, you will need to contact the hotel directly at 346-410-5050 and cancel within the timeframe specified in your reservation details to prevent penalties.

We will greatly miss our time together, but we look forward to seeing you at one of our future training dates. If you have further questions or concerns, we are here to help! Always feel free to email or call 832-323-3992.

Kind Regards,

Your TVIB Staff

TVIB Training Opportunity Alert – First Annual Survey of Towing Vessels Course for 2020!

New in 2020! Our ASTV course has been shortened from a 4-day to a 3-day in class training with additional online pre-course modules that must be completed prior to class start date.

Are you looking to get certified to become a Sub M Surveyor to conduct TVIB Third Party Organization annual surveys?  Or perhaps you’re performing surveys as part of an internal survey program?

Our Annual Survey of Towing Vessels course is ideal for you!

Since the inception of the training, TVIB has hosted more than 30 USCG personnel, including investigators and inspectors from across various sectors. The combination of students from both industry and the USCG has proven to be an invaluable mix for the course, resulting in dynamic and informative discussion and insights.

Dates: Tuesday, April 14 – Thursday, April 16, 2020
Time: 8:00 am – 5:00pm
Location: ACTSafe Training Room, 15201 East Freeway, Ste. 214A Channelview, TX 77530
Course Fee: $975   TVIB Members OR $1275 Non-Members

*Please note that our only other ASTV course for 2020 is set for November 3-5 in Harahan, LA

Register for the April training at the link below or contact Cindy Hunsaker at: 832-323-2182 — for assistance.